The day the superhero world stood still
We pick up where we last left off with this, Gwen and Peter are together and Spider-man is saving New York. The ghost of Captain Stacy looms over the relationship straining it, and Spider-Man's crime fighting is not helping matters. During this time Spider-Man has earned himself a die hard fan in the process from his crime fighting, and this fan meets with an unfortunate accident turning him into Electro. There is a lot going on in this movie and I think I covered the main bases.... oh yeah, Peter starts investigating his parent's disappearance. Watch the trailers, everything is revealed there; for now I really want to talk shit about this movie.Okay here is the type of movie that tests the integrity of a critic. On the one had this movie is even worse then the first (and yes that is possible); on the other, I know I am going to get A LOT of shit for not liking this movie. Oh well, can't please everyone.

A big problem the director seemed to go through was telling the actors to just wing it, instead of actually directing them. It is like Marc Webb got bored with anything that wasn't "500 days of summer;" instead of directing he just decided to sit in his trailer and count the money he got for directing instead of actually doing it. Why can I say this? I know Jamie Foxx, Emma Stone, and Paul Giamatti are great actors. Andrew Garfield and Dane DeHann showed great potential. All performances here were pure garbage, just horribly awful for almost everyone involved. The only serviceable performance came from Sally Field, and she was one of the least prominent characters. This is one of the greatest sins this movie commits, they have all of this talent and just fail to utilize it. I love all of these actors, this movie will not change that; but having them do so poorly falls strictly on the director.

The only saving grace I can even hope to put towards this movie came from the visuals; and in this day and age that is like saying "the only good thing I can say about this restaurant's hamburger is that: it is meaty." A movie like this is expected to have good visuals, and the only time the visuals should be noted is if they are bad. Electro looks like a cool version of Dr. Manhattan, and the electricity was pretty interesting to watch.
The pacing in this really took me out of the experience too. Why does Spider-Man take so much of his time to talk to this random guy (and he doesn't seem rushed, even though during the fight he is rushed), I get that Jamie Foxx is important to the story line, you do not need to shove that down my throat. You know what would have helped this character? If Spider-Man just saved him and gave him one line of dialogue then went to go stop the speeding truck; not stand there and have a conversation with the guy.If the meeting was more brief his over zealous fandom would have felt more genuinely creepy.

All this movie did for me is convince me that Marvel needs to get the rights to Spider-Man back. They seem to actually know what to do with superheros (these days) and Sony is a sinking ship (speaking in terms of movies). This Spider-Man is more annoying then any incarnation before (from comics, T.V., or movies), and that is saying a lot. I know there are going to be people out there that blindly like this movie. Somehow, someway, they think this movie is good, when in reality it is shit. I am not trying to take that experience away from you. If you can get some sort of enjoyment out of this train wreck, by all means enjoy. We are obviously just on two different wavelengths.
Final Verdict: Don't do it I wanted to like this movie. I wanted Sony to have a shot at making a good choice. I was severely disappointed. You could not pay me to watch this movie again. This competes with "Hulk" and "Batman and Robin" for worst superhero movie. It is even worse then "Spider-Man 3" (at least that movie knew what it was).
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