Cheating is bad, and so is Minaj
This movie starts off with Carly Whitten (Cameron Diaz) finding the perfect man, Mark King (Nikolaj Coster-Waldau). He is smart, handsome, and rich; but she soon finds out that he is also married. His wife Kate King (Leslie Mann) finds her after an embarrassing run in and tries to force a companionship. After a lot of coaxing they soon become friends and add a third woman to their ranks, who happens to be another one of Mark's side pieces (Kate Upton). The three soon find out that they want more than just a clean break, they want to hurt this man. They come up with a plan to not only hurt his career, but also any chance he has at coming out of this predicament ahead.

I am obviously not the target audience for this movie. If the trailers weren't enough of an indication I was the only silent person in the theater while watching this. Let it be very clear that this is the perspective of a 24 year old man that went to see this movie for no other reason then it was the only thing out that was close to me (and I had to write a review this week). I try to give every movie a shot at impressing me (sometimes these types of movies are actually quite enjoyable), but this was going towards the female crowd a great deal more than other movies of its caliber. Somehow I feel that it probably failed at that, because basically it is saying that it takes three women to be smarter than one man. Feminine perspective aside, the comedy in this ranged from low brow, to gross. This can sometimes be enjoyable, but here they just lingered a bit too long on the joke, or pushed it to a point where it just wasn't funny anymore. Before the women go after his main interests (money) they play high school pranks on him. This is usually sure to be hilarious, but I left the theater having only chuckled at a few of the scenes. I know the exact reason I wasn't amused, I have seen this before. There are just so many rehashed gimmicks in this movie. Lacing a man's drink with laxative or estrogen, seen it. A man thinking he is going to be treated to something sexually gratifying only to be misled, seen it. Leslie Mann drunk, seen it. Cameron Diaz the no bullshit/ass kicker, seen it. Nicki Minaj, god do I wish I hadn't watched it.

Actually let's go ahead and talk about the acting in this. Leslie Mann was great, even though I had seen this character before it just means that she has had practice, and thus performed well enough. The rest...well they leave a little more to be desired. I know Cameron Diaz can do better with this role, I have seen her do better with this role, her heart just wasn't in it this time. Nikolaj Coster-Waldam basically was just standing in a certain place and told to look pretty, he did that well; but whenever it came time to actually put on his work boots and perform he just seemed a little more flat. Kate Upton seems to find herself in these "doomed to be bargain bin" movies (seriously, look at her IMDB) and for that reason I feel bad for her, but with performances like this it seems warranted. Finally, let's go ahead and talk about the newest rapper to actor transformation. I have nothing against Nicki Minaj, I am not here to talk about her albums, or personal life; all I have to say on this matter is: some rappers can act and she is just not one of them. She gave the worst performance in the movie. Period.
Now, I am going to talk to the male readers here for a second. There are only two reasons you are going to see this movie (unless you are writing a review, and there is nothing else is out). Your significant other is taking you to see it, or your parents are taking you to see it. The possibility that you might actually be interested in watching this is there, but if you are one of the reasons I just mentioned this is for you. If you are going to see this with your significant other be warned that I sense an argument coming from this movie, but it is harmless besides that. If you are going to see it with your parents, I would have you beg them for another film because this is just something your mom is going to use over both you and your father. I am not saying that this movie is basically a filmed version of "let's hate men" (since there are good guys in the movie); I am saying I saw a lot of pre-argument conversation going on as I exited the theater.
Final Verdict: Pirate it The acting was poor for the most part, the jokes fell flat, and the story was predictable. I may not be the target audience for this, but then again I don't think anyone is in my age group is (from either gender). Skip it unless you are bored.
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