Sunday, January 12, 2014


The movie like onions

When I say the movie like onions I don't mean that it will make you cry (at least I didn't cry during it) I'm going with more of the Shrek way of thinking. This movie has a ridiculous amount of layers, which makes it very hard to discern what genre it belongs to. Of course, you could easily describe this as a romance, but what kind of romance? It isn't just a straight up love story, it isn't a sci-fi romance, it isn't a romcom. It takes bits and pieces from everything, puts it in a blender, sets to liquefy, and the result is something that will leave you both mentally stimulated, as well as exhausted. At the end of the movie I felt like I just went through the triathlon of films, which is a lot better than it sounds. This movie will twist you up, in so many directions that when the end credits start to roll you feel like an emotional pretzel.

I guess I should talk about what specifically was good about it. To begin with, the acting was in an entirely different echelon. Joaquin Phoenix, lives up to his last name by being rare to find in films and beautiful to look at when you do find him (no, he doesn't rise from his own ashes). His portrayal of Theodore is convincing and relate-able. He doesn't overshadow his supporting cast by any means. Scarlett Johansson shows her skills as a future voice actor with her role as the OS, Samantha. Rooney Mara's brief appearances as the ex-wife (Catherine) are a welcome addition to the proceedings, and in some way you can just tell she had fun with the role. Amy Adams as the best friend was also pretty fitting.

The cinematography in this was just absolutely astounding, and the direction really gives you a feel for the characters (making them more relate-able). There is a specific scene that shows this off in great detail. Theodore is getting some upsetting news, while he makes himself some tea. While he is getting the news the camera shows him fixated on the kettle as it whistles. With the conversation continuing the camera pans between him and the kettle, it just reminds me of how I feel when my mind is racing while I get troubling news. The rest of the movie is gorgeous, making the future look sleek, and like something you would actually want to live in.

So now let's talk about the story line. As I said before it is hard to discern what kind of romance this actually is. Their are some funny points that fit very well, without breaking the mood of the scene. There are some pretty intense verbal sex scenes, that makes the audience feel awkward (as they should since they are looking at a man's "personal time"), and just drives home the main character's emotional status. The story line is pretty straight forward, while being complex. The
entire time you have to think of the main character as the epitome of "lonely, broken man." You know from the beginning that at the end he is pretty much going to come to terms with whatever made him so lonely and broken in the first place, but the ride there is astounding and beautiful.

Final Verdict: Buy it I figured I would make my first post something positive. This movie sealed it's place in our time line as an instant classic and not only would I say buy it, I would say you probably won't be able to hold yourself back from going to see it in theaters multiple times.

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