Chris Rock gives us something unexpected
We follow Andre Allen (Chris Rock), a celebrity that got his start doing stand up comedy, moved to doing comedic movies, and now wants to be taken seriously as an actor. He is to be married to a reality television star named Erica Long (Gabrielle Union), who controls his life and is making their union all about the show. On the cusp of the release for his first serious film he meets Chelsea Brown (Rosario Dawson), a writer for the New York Times sent to get an interview. During this interview she challenges him with serious questions as a fan of his old stand up work, wondering why he isn't funny and why he doesn't want to be anymore.
Chris Rock has definitely found out how to direct, not that I thought he was bad before; but now it seems like he at least has a style he can call his own. I liked the flash back scenes, they seemed to move well within the film. There were some shots that stood out in the film. Not like I was going to frame that still from the movie on my wall or anything, more like it just seemed to be more grounded in realism. In a movie that (I assume) is trying to make you think of this as real life, some of the shots were integral to bringing out the movies full potential, and it seemed like he nailed it.
Now for the acting.... the acting.... right. Well, let's start off with the good, the women in this production were the ones that stood out above anyone else. Rosario Dawson and Gabrielle Union were believable, and gave this movie some moments that were truly wonderful to behold. The rest of this cast is filled with a who's who of actors you haven't thought about in the last five years (at least five, if not more). That doesn't mean they did poorly, just that we have seen everything that they are bringing to the table. Cedric the Entertainer plays the "man with all of the connections," and he was good in that role, but I feel like I was transported back to the mid-2000's watching it. Tracy Morgan was present.... and that is about it. I like some of Tracy's stuff, but he never really took off with me. Chris rock showed us that one of the lines "you are a terrible actor" may have been a bit harsh, but not completely unwarranted. He had some good moments of acting, but those moments seemed to come from a more comedic place, the times he tried to play it straight were a bit of a drain.... than again maybe that was the point.
Final Verdict: See it in Theaters Some missteps with the story, as well as the acting took me out of the experience a couple of times; but, it w
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