How to commit comedy homicide: the Farrelly way!
Harry (Jim Carrey) and Lloyd (Jeff Daniels) are back for another road trip! Only this time it is a road trip to find Lloyd's daughter, when he is desperate for a kidney transplant.... yup.... yup that about covers this.
I also remember when the Farrelly Brothers used to be funny.... you know that time before they made Stuck on You. Don't remember? Yeah, it has been a while. This movie misses almost every single mark with me, and it doesn't help that this is another tragic case of "the funniest moments were shown in the trailer" (Which also weren't too funny). Their attempts at making Lloyd and Harry more "contemporary" seem forced and unwanted, and leave me silent. I guess it makes since that Lloyd uses a flip phone through out this movie since the characters cannot translate to today's generation. They rely heavily on "gross out" humor, and "slapstick" which could have worked if it didn't seem like an extended skit on In Living Color (you can tell when they pause for laughter). I feel like they missed the golden opportunity that was staring them right in the face. Comment on today's youth. When we live in a day where kids think that the movie Titanic was a work of fiction it is just too hard not to comment. The only reason this movie didn't miss EVERY mark with me is because I can't resist a good fart joke.

The acting here seemed like almost everyone involved was committing some kind of crime. Like they were about to steal all of the audience's money and run (which is what they did). Jim Carrey seems like he was put through the ringer, and forced to be on set. Jeff Daniels tried to be his usually professional self, but you could tell he was thinking "Oh man, c'mon I act in The Newsroom. Why am I here?" Rob Riggle looked happy to be working, but he couldn't escape the overwhelming indifference of his fellow cast. The only one that seemed to be putting forth any effort was Rachel Melvin, and that is probably due to her relatively new status. She put forth a commendable performance despite the over all feeling of the rest of the cast...most likely because she remembered that she was getting paid to be there.
Final Verdict: Don't do it As sad as I am to see this movie earn this rating, it is accurate. I guess I shouldn't be surprised, I mean someone did release a horrible prequel to this movie a while back.
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