When a hot stranger shows up to your front door
Welp let's give this a shot. On my triumphant return back to the movie review game I thought I would see the newest movie that came out this week (like I do), and that just so happened to be a thriller with Idris Elba as a serial killer. It seemed generic but I have a soft spot in my heart for great actors even when they are forced into doing a generic role. So, synopsis right? Well, that would give this movie some sort of credit for having what might be a story line (or plot), but I guess I will give it a shot anyways.Idris Elba kills women.
Not, enough? Okay.
Idris Elba kills women and Taraji Henson is an under appreciated stay at home mom, who was seemingly at the wrong house at the wrong time.

Maybe we should talk about the acting.... wait where is it? Where did the acting go? The audience is over here waiting to be astonished by you acting, why would you not show up to the movie? Can you tell I hated the ever loving hell out of the acting here? Yeah, I guess everyone just decided to take the day off here because the actors seemed to not give one tiny, little fuck about doing a good job. The only real serviceable actor here was (you guessed it) Idris Elba, but that is still like a slap in the face to Elba since he usually either carries the movie or stands out. I guess his back was hurting from having to carry so many other piece of crap films that he just decided to say the hell with it. Taraji Henson may have done well somewhere else, anywhere else, but here she sits (much like Elba) wasting her talents. Want to see a good movie she was in? Try "Smokin' Aces." Want to see a good Elba movie? "Pacific Rim," or "The Losers." This is not the movie to meet two great actors.
I could go into the cinematography being boring and non-threatening, I could go into the music being just as generic and misplaced as the plot, I could even delve deeper into just how horrible the performances were; but it is just not worth it. Not worth me typing it up, not worth you reading; this movie should be the farthest thing from our thoughts. This movie is the basis of laziness in the film industry. Lazy ending, lazy acting, lazy direction, lazy script, lazy sound team. Do yourself a favor and go see something more interesting. I may suggest watching paint dry and looking at the grass grow.
Final Verdict: Don't do it Yeah, I try to find something good to say about every movie I see, but this one pushed my limit. I guess it is just the lull from the summer blockbuster season winding down. Oh well, great to be back everybody.
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