I recently released a movie review for
Suicide Squad, I hadn't released a movie review for over a year before that and I decided to take some time out in order to write down my plans for the future. Before I get into the future, I decided to give a brief explanation of the past by saying:
What Happened?
I love writing, I especially love writing about movies which is why I have done it for so long without being paid for it. I am under the impression that if you love doing something you should want to do it regardless of any money involved (even though I would eventually want to make a career out of writing about, or for movies). It's been my extreme pleasure to write on this blog, while also being able to write on different websites through the years. Given this information, why would I stop? Well, while I love writing about movies I still had bills to pay. The last time I wrote about movies I was working for the site upcomingdiscs.com, I loved working at this site. The editor was very generous with me, and extremely patient. He helped me to hone my writing to a more professional level. The site opened my world to movies that I would never have seen without being employed there. It has always been a dream of mine to be published on a website (or in print), and I was finally realizing that dream. Unfortunately, my schedule was beyond insanely busy. I was going to class (physically, not online) full time, working a full time work schedule, and had a slew of other things pressing for my time. I was always unable to go to premieres that I wanted to go to because my schedule was so unforgiving, and I was constantly pushed to the wire with deadline dates. I don't like turning in half-ass work at the last minute simply because my outside schedule was too stressful, so I had to quit. I quit during the week of my final exams and was unable to turn in my last two reviews, so my name was taken off their site. It was very clear to me why they did this and I harbor no ill-will towards them. When I quit upcomingdiscs.com, I couldn't come back to my blog because my schedule hadn't slowed down. It's only been recently that I have been able to get a handle on my work and finally get back to writing.
What now?
Now I am going to go back to my weekend format of writing at least one review per week on the newest movie in theaters. It won't always be the biggest blockbuster out, and my format is going to change from the way I used to write. I will no longer write in the "angry, joking" manner I did in my blog previously. I think every movie is important to someone out their. Even if I think a movie is bad that doesn't mean that their isn't someone out there that thinks a movie is great (or vice versa); coincidentally, my most recent review happened to be for Suicide Squad a movie that has gotten a lot of hate from critics and viewers a like. I happened to like it, takes different strokes to move the world. Now, just because I am writing in a more respectful manner doesn't mean I won't talk to people about movies in the comments of my review. I love discussing movies, and the difference in opinions most people have. I'm not going to argue, but I'll always talk civilly about anything you love, hate or are indifferent towards in regards to the movie.
Other than the reviews I will be releasing random articles about movies at random times (like this, but about movies).
What I hope for from the future
I want to get my podcast off the ground in November. The only thing I am waiting on right now are microphones; beyond that, I will be finding everything else through out the coming months (like: a theme song, cover art, possibly sound drops, etc). My podcast will be weekly or twice per week. My boyfriend, Sean Shimoji, and I will watch a "classic" movie and give our opinions on it (we are also thinking about doing new movies as well, hence the "twice per week"). I came up with this idea because, unlike me, my boyfriend wasn't raised by movies growing up. He's missed a lot of the classics, and (oddly enough) the classics I have shown him he seems to dislike. I'm thinking of calling the podcast "Millennials at the Movies" or "Gayte Night."
Other than that I still want to bring my reviews to a video format but it is going to be a while until I get that since I have no camera and know fuck-all about video editing at the moment.
In conclusion
It feels great to write in my favorite format again. If an offer ever came along to work at a website I would still have to think about it. I'm still going to school, still working full time. The reason I started to blog again is because this is a schedule set by me. I would still love to work at another website, but I would want to make sure that I was able to put in all of my effort instead of my remaining effort. Other than that:
This week I will be reviewing Sausage Party. See ya later.